Interviewing Skills Training
Interviewing skills can be used in a myriad of different roles. Interviews need to be conducted for Audits, Investigations, CAPAs, or Risk Assessments. Our interviewing skills training course is designed to improve skills needed for an effective, thorough, and organized interview. This course uses an interactive approach to show how to organize an interview, ask the right questions, and gather all the needed information. Additionally, the course covers panning, conducting, and summarizing interviews. By performing mock interviews, participants will be able to more thoroughly improve their interviews.
Through interactive activities such as case studies, role plays and self discovery, participants attending the interviewing skills course will improve their ability to:
- Prepare thoroughly for an interview.
- Select appropriate interview formats.
- Conduct thorough interviews.
- Utilize effective interviewing techniques.
- Summarize findings.
- How to plan questions and locations for the interview.
- How to conduct different types of interviews.
- How to gather and summarize the information.
Attending the course will give these benefits to attendees and their organizations:
- Maximize effectiveness of interviews
- Conduct fewer follow-up interviews
- Save time and money for the organization
Interviewing Skills 1/2 day training is worth .4 credits.
PathWise is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). PathWise complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, PathWise is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

To schedule a course at your site fill out the form below and a PathWise representative will get back with you shortly!
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Investigations and CAPA Training
Root Cause Investigation Training

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