Quality Change Control Training
Change Control is inevitable in a quality system. Modifications and changes are made at all stages. The PathWise Quality ChangeControl Training course helps ensure the change control process produces the most cost-effective use of resources when implementing change. The training will also ensure you have minimal disruption to services, reduction in back-out activities, and a compliant approach to managing change in your company.
This Quality Change Control Training course ensures change is needed, documented, and does not produce a negative impact to processes or systems.
Quality Change control training has the following learning objectives:
- Describe and justify quality changes.
- Classify implementation activities.
- Create an implementation plan.
- Identify closure activities.
- Describe how changes are identified
- Understand the importance of an effective Change Control System
- Identify and use tools in each phase of the system
- Lower costs for change by using a standard approach.
- Assess and prioritize changes within the Quality System.
- Streamline expectations for change documentation.
Quality Change Control 2 day training is worth 1.5 credits.
PathWise is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). PathWise complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, PathWise is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

To schedule a course at your site fill out the form below and a PathWise representative will get back with you shortly!
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How to Manage Change in a cGMP Environment
Effectively Leading Through Culture Change

We understand that training is essential to achieve and maintain a compliant, effective and efficient quality system, which is why 90% of our courses are taught on-site at our client’s locations. For individuals and organizations in need of training but unable to make an on-site training commitment, we offer many of our courses as events at a variety of locations across the globe.
View the PathWise Events page to find out about our options for a public workshop.