PathWise Certified Trainers Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Sometimes I have difficulty in deciding how best to deliver the activities. Who can I call to get additional support and ideas about the activities?
A. PathWise has many trainers with decades of experience in industry and with PathWise materials, and would thrilled to help you with any of the activities, or other training support. Contact your account manager to put you in touch.
Q. Why do we use examples that are non-industry specific?
Q. How often do you update the materials and how do you inform trainers of those updates?
When there is an update in our courses, we will post in ePath and will notify each of the PathWise Certified Trainers via email individually to insure they understand the significance of the change, and to field any questions they may have.
Q. It is time for me to reorder materials. Who do I contact?
A: Contact your Account Manager. They can help you with a number of things, including material ordering. You can also contact your account manager to add trainers in your organization, or to certify in additional courses.
Unsure who your account manager is? Email [email protected] and your account manager will be in touch!
Q. Do I get all the materials needed for training when I order the books?
A: When ordering books all the materials needed to train are included. Books, worksheets, wall charts (if needed for a course).
Additional questions about material? Contact your account manager!
Q. How can I access upcoming Webinars?
Q. How do I access on demand webinars?
Q: Can I teach the Documenting Investigations Course independent of Technical Writing?
Q. For the courses that I am certified to teach where can I get the solutions to the case studies and copies of the documents associated with that course?
Q. What is the purpose for Cabin in the Woods when we go right into a case study right after?
Q. What are some of the ways I can deliver the Investigations & CAPA training?
A: The Introduction Module can be paired with any of the modules. Depending on whom you are training and their role in your organization it might be best to pair up as follows:
- Intro & Evaluate – for those who identify and report events
- Intro, Evaluate & Investigate – for those who identify, report and investigate events to determine the root cause.
- Intro & Investigate – for those who investigate events to determine the root cause.
- Intro, Evaluate, Investigate & Implement – for those who identify, report and investigate events to determine root cause, and perform CA/PA implementation activities.
- Intro & Implement – for those who perform CA/PA implementation activities.